I've wanted to sit down and write for about a week, but after going away for the weekend, I had some catch up to play.
Where did I go you ask? I was able to go up to Minneapolis to the Desiring God Conference entitled, Above All Earthly Powers: The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World. It was a great time of teaching and fellowship. I was able to stay with some college friends of mine and got to meet his wife and be encouraged by them. The speakers were great. Big names like, D.A. Carson, Timothy Keller, Mark Driscoll, John Piper. Driscoll was the biggest draw for me. He's pastor of Mars Hill Church out in Seattle. I was turned on to him a few years back, but just started listening to him regularly back in January. He doesn't pull his punches preaching and always starts with Jesus and ends with Jesus. That's what really impressed me about him. I was listening to him once and I'm quite sure he said "Jesus" about 15 times in 2 minutes. You don't hear preaching like that very often.
It was interesting, most of what was talked about, or against, at the conference is what I'm living in here at Seminary. Truth is something that can't be found. Do we really need Jesus? Scripture is central, but not inerrant-- which leads to dismissing of verses we don't like. It's an interesting atmosphere. But so I can react after some reflection, which doesn't always happen in the moment, I'll be posting my commentary here.
The name still applies though.